Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Do Kettlebells Burn Fat? (Kettlebell HIIT Workout)

Download my FREE Kettlebell Fighter program:

Kettlebell HIIT Workout
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds of work one after the other with no rest in between. After you finish all exercises then you sprint at 10mph or higher for 1 minute. Rest for 60 seconds and repeat again for 3-5 rounds.

One Round = 7 Minutes

Kettlebell Swings (Right) - 30 seconds 1:47
Kettlebell Swings (Left) - 30 seconds 2:06
Kettlebell Clean to Reverse Lunge (Right) - 30 seconds 2:30
Kettlebell Clean to Reverse Lunge (Left) - 30 seconds 2:54
Kettlebell Snatches (Right) - 30 seconds 3:16
Kettlebell Snatches (left) - 30 seconds 3:36
Kettlebell Circular Cleans (right) - 30 seconds 3:53
Kettlebell Circular Cleans (left) - 30 seconds 4:20
Kettlebell Squats (right) - 30 seconds 4:41
Kettlebell Squats (left) - 30 seconds 5:05

Treadmill Sprint (10 mph) - 60 seconds 5:23

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