Saturday, December 6, 2014

SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone: New Year, New Weight Loss Pills? Microencapsulated...

SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone: New Year, New Weight Loss Pills? Microencapsulated...: Is microencapsulation like calling the artist him hammer away all the blubber? Hmm... maybe that's why it took Michelangelo > 3 yea...

Bottom line: Without a regular CLA control group this study tells us essentially nothing
about the potency of microencapsulated conjugated linolic acid. After
all, there are other human studies (also in obese individuals, also on a
diet) reporting similar benefits with regular CLA (btw. in 99% of the
cases also racemic mixtures). If anything the study confirms that in
it's natural form, which is not an isolate of the fat burning and in
high doses even fat annihilating (read more) trans-10, cis-12 CLA, is save probably healthy, but it is no magic anti-obesity pill (let alone something you take today and wake up ripped to the shreds tomorrow).

Moreover, I suspect this will go for nano-encapsulated CLA (I bet a
"market oriented" researcher has it already in development), as well,
because encapsulation is something you want to do with stuff like
curcumin, that won't even get where you want it, if you don't at least
mess up your liver with some piperine so that it will let it pass
unmetabolized. That's however not an issue with CLA, as the
supplementation has proven time and again to increase CLA in serum and
even tissue readily - even a higher intake of milk fat, which brings us
back full circle to the image of the Kerrygold butter at the top,
has been found to correlate significantly with higher levels of CLA in
serum and adipose tissue (Jiang. 1999). So, if you see some strawberry
jam with microencapsulated CLA in it on the shelves of your local
supermarket in the course of 2013, you know that it's overpriced
sugar... a pardon me, functional food with a reduced sugar content ;-)

On a different note: Thanks for all the good wishes and the
appreciation you expressed in the comments. The did not go unnoticed!
Hope all of you are more or less sober again, today, and in case you are
not - don't forget the "Bismarck Herring" ;-)


  • Carvalho RF, Uehara SK, Rosa G. Microencapsulated conjugated
    linoleic acid associated with hypocaloric diet reduces body fat in
    sedentary women with metabolic syndrome. Vasc Health Risk Manag.
    2012;8:661-7. doi: 10.2147/VHRM.S37385. Epub 2012 Dec 13.
  • Churruca I, Fernández-Quintela A, Portillo MP. Conjugated linoleic
    acid isomers: differences in metabolism and biological effects.
    Biofactors. 2009 Jan-Feb;35(1):105-11.
  • Valeille K, Gripois D, Blouquit MF, Souidi M, Riottot M, Bouthegourd
    JC, Sérougne C, Martin JC. Lipid atherogenic risk markers can be more
    favourably influenced by the cis-9,trans-11-octadecadienoate isomer than
    a conjugated linoleic acid mixture or fish oil in hamsters. Br J Nutr.
    2004 Feb;91(2):191-9.

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